Supporting associations

Protect the Amazon rainforest and its biodiversity


Protect the Amazon rainforest and its biodiversity

Project leader
logo Envol Vert

Duration of the partnership
2021 - 2022


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The project and its challenges


The Amazon is the world’s largest tropical rainforest, home to almost half of the planet’s biodiversity, and it plays an essential role in the water cycle and climate regulation. And yet deforestation continues at breakneck speed, largely due to land-use changes for agriculture and livestock.

The forest in Peru, which is home to 10% of the entire Amazon, is particularly threatened by slash-and-burn deforestation to expand agricultural areas along with the introduction of intensive monocultures that deplete the soil. This deforestation is a manifestation of the precarious position of local populations who transform the rainforest floor for agricultural exports (such as coffee or cocoa) or for subsistence agriculture, which gradually nibbles away at the rainforest as it expands. The destruction of the rainforest is thus a vicious circle, with economic, social and ecological crises all fuelling each other.


In its efforts to halt this complex process of deforestation, Envol Vert is launching a regional-scale project across the entire Amazon biome that aims to assist civil society organisations (agricultural cooperatives and conservation teams) in developing practices for the sustainable management of natural resources. This project—being developed in three regions in Peru—hinges on four key objectives, each with its role to play in mitigating the demands on rainforest resources and protecting existing forests:

  • Protect the endemic biodiversity of the rainforest in areas of intervention, including the 40,000-ha Yanayacu-Maquia conservation area;
  • Establish diversified and productive agroforestry systems (350 ha) with local communities;
  • Improve food security and sources of income for the community by creating economic alternatives;
  • Build the collective skills of civil society stakeholders and support good practices by creating a network to promote agroforestry and rainforest products.


Key figures of the projec after two years of partnership (2021-2022) :

  • Reintroduction of the 5 endangered tree species on restoration plots ;
  • Maintenance of 22 community nurseries for reforestation plots ;
  • Conversion of 300 hectares of agricultural plots into agroforestry systems ;
  • Training of 275 beneficiaries to develop their own agroforestry systems and promote good practices for sustainable agriculture ;
  • Development of 4 economic alternatives (honey, aguaje, açai, fruits) ;
  • Organisation of a seminar on the responsible coffee and cocoa sector ;
  • Carrying out training on gender and collectivism.

The objectives of the partnership renewal are as follows for 2023-2025 :

  • Conversion of farmers’ plots into agroforestry systems or reforestation ;
  • Training and empowerment of participants in harvesting, processing and marketing of products ;
  • Promote the preservation of the Peruvian Amazon through capacity building of civil society and the constitution of an agroforestry network ;
  • Monitoring and protecting 38,699 hectares by park rangers ;
  • Formulation of community action plans for the conservation of threatened species.


The project supports 250 beneficiaries across three regions in Peru (Junin, Huánuco and Loreto), with a focus on five agricultural cooperatives most able to champion a new agricultural model. The project also aims to support conservationists, such as by helping conservation concessions, biodiversity sanctuaries and key players in conservation in the interests of ecosystem management at a community level.

The pros of the project

– Its policy of conservation, which encompasses endangered animal and plant species of the Amazon, and which is innovative in its naturalist inventories that are compiled in partnership with SPYGEN using environmental DNA.

– Training offered to beneficiaries across all focus areas of the project, which is key to developing their skills and raising awareness around the protection of their rainforest resources for future generations. With the creation of demonstration areas and visits to production sites and sites that have been repurposed, new practices are tested and replicated from word-of-mouth reports. Involving local populations and improving their agriculture skills are thus at the heart of the association’s approach to preserving the rainforest in its areas of intervention.

– The creation of a network to facilitate communication between project beneficiaries and stakeholders in the area and promote sustainable rainforest products.

Envol Vert and its partners are finding ways to avoid the destruction of the world’s largest rainforest and the wealth of biodiversity that it supports.

Charlène Lainé Peru Coordinator
logo Envol Vert

Project leader Envol Vert

Envol Vert is an association created to protect forests and support rural development.

Since 2011, it has been working to preserve forests and biodiversity in South America and France, while creating strong links with local populations to promote their conservation initiatives, participate in sustainable rural development and cultivate economic alternatives to deforestation. Envol Vert is also heavily involved in raising awareness of these issues through education and impact campaigns.

Through the actions of the association, 163,000 trees have been planted in Nicaragua, Peru, Colombia and France.
