Protecting the Amazon rainforest in Colombia
Duration of the partnership
The Forestever project aims to protect the forest in the Colombian Amazon and to sustain timber resources for local crafts and the day-to-day needs of the indigenous Ticuna communities.
To do this, demonstration nurseries have been set up with the local schools to grow tree species that are useful for crafts and the day-to-day needs of the indigenous communities. Four conservation areas, delimited and defined by the communities, have been created to conserve overexploited tree species.
Finally, the project calls for planting approximately 20,000 trees and protecting mother trees.
The forest is the main resource of the indigenous communities surrounding the city of Leticia, in economic terms as well as cultural and spiritual terms. These communities are the first to be affected by deforestation, caused mainly by population growth and overexploitation of resources. By protecting the forest we are also helping sustain the communities and their cultures.
Further to the Maison du Monde Foundation’s initial support between 2017 and 2019, the project generated a forest conservation model for and with the local Ticunas communities.
Summary of the main activities:
4 Ticunas communities are involved, i.e. more than 100 people actively working on the project
4 community reserves with a total area of 6 ha and creation of trails of mother trees
38 ha of agroforestry plots created
A total of 40,000 trees plantedProduction of internal and external capitalization materials
The renewal of the partnership for 2023 to 2025 will reinforce the project and allow the development of new revenue-generating activities for the communities.
Goals of the renewed partnership:
The project is being carried out for and with 4 indigenous Ticuna communities, the majority ethnic group in the Amazon. The Ticuna subsist mainly from growing cassava, hunting and fishing. Some make a living from crafts and tourism. The project educates children about the importance of protecting their natural heritage. 40 families, or approximately 160 people, are participating in the project, and the community leaders volunteer in turn to manage the program.
To date, Forestever is the only French NGO leading projects for the conservation of tree species in the Colombian Amazon. The indigenous communities involved are undergoing a social transition, and the project’s goal is not simply to help them, but to give them the skills, resources and time to protect their forest. Traditions are being lost under the influence of the Western lifestyle. Passing on knowledge and traditions to new generations is a key component of the project.
Forestever is a reforestation association that wants nature to have an important place in human society. To address deforestation and declining biodiversity, and the exclusion of indigenous populations, Forestever develops projects focused on:
“It is important to plant trees and protect the environment while maintaining our agricultural activities. This will allow future generations to understand and protect their environment.”
Don Narcesio beneficiary of the Forestever project