Amid this wave of environmental action, the Maisons du Monde Foundation has continued its commitment to tree conservation. In 2021, we supported 25 organisations working to protect forests in developing countries and to maintain trees outside of forests in Europe with the help of local communities.
“The year 2021 marked a new beginning for the Maisons du Monde Foundation. On 1 January, we changed our name and status to become an endowment fund, after five years under the aegis of the Fondation pour la Nature et l’Homme (The Foundation for Nature and Mankind). At the same time, we have refocused our mission to protect trees. We are therefore continuing to support forest conservation projects in developing countries and are now helping to maintain trees in the French countryside.
It has been a prosperous year both for our organisation and the world of living things. The increased number of events campaigning to protect biodiversity and terrestrial ecosystems has allowed us to continue to work together to preserve them. Whether this was through the “Impact assessment indicators” working group launched with all4trees or our work with Noé at the IUCN World Conservation Congress, this year we are proud to have once again taken part in this wonderful collective movement!”
Charlotte Jonchère, Development Manager at the Maisons du Monde Foundation
In 2021, we supported 33 non-profit projects across 15 countries around the world. Of these projects, 22 help to preserve forests in the 3 major rainforest basins, 3 help to maintain trees outside of forests in France and 8, which are in the process of closing, help to recover wood in Europe.
Trees do so many things for us, including conserving biodiversity, fighting climate change, protecting soils and improving water quality. In order to protect them, we are supporting those on the ground all over the world.
1. We are helping to preserve the most endangered forests in developing countries
According to the media decoding platform Futura, a football pitch-sized area of rainforest disappears every second. Since urgent action is needed, in 2021 we supported 22 forest conservation projects in the 3 major rainforest basins.
“While Madagascar is facing an unprecedented famine and mass deforestation, in Makay (a region as large as Lebanon), Naturevolution is working on an ambitious project that focuses both on protecting its biodiversity and developing the communities around it.
Supported by the Maisons du Monde Foundation since 2021, this project now employs more than 80 mostly local Malagasy people. In addition, by setting up numerous activities (plant nurseries, vegetable gardens, school canteens, wells, irrigation channels, apiaries etc.), it offers a sustainable and desirable future for people while ensuring that the unique forests of Makay are protected.”
Evrard Wendenbaum, President of Naturevolution
Visit the Naturevolution project page to learn about the organisation and project that we support.
2.We are involved in the recovery and protection of trees outside of forests in France
Apart from forest ecosystems, the tree plays a fundamental role and must be protected in order to stem the decline in biodiversity. That is why, in 2021, the Maisons du Monde Foundation supported three projects to recover and maintain trees in the French countryside.
“Never in the history of humanity has our global future been so uncertain. In the interest of future generations, we must act today to protect the environment. Trees are our powerful allies in this fight.
In three years and across two regions, with the support of the Maisons du Monde Foundation, the organisation Les Planteurs Volontaires (Volunteer Planters) will create ten independent groups of citizens directly committed to planting trees. These groups will plant 30,000 trees over two winters. We will also involve a larger number of inhabitants in preserving and restoring their living environment. Therefore, in the Charente and Seine-et-Marne regions, Les Planteurs Volontaires are already organising and working alongside any active groups wishing to get involved in projects supporting both citizens and the environment. Ultimately, the goal is to create and expand independent local movements.”
Alan Guillou, Manager and Co-Founder of Les Planteurs Volontaires
Would you like to know more about the Planteurs Volontaires project? Visit our project sheet!
Because forest conservation first requires awareness and action on both individual and collective levels, the Maisons du Monde Foundation has its own environmental awareness programmes.
1. “Aux Arbres” !
“Aux Arbres!” This is not only an awareness-raising event, but also a rallying call for us all to individually preserve trees all over the world. After a year-long break, the movement returned in 2021. Due to the health crisis it was forced to adapt, but it still brought new experiences to Maisons du Monde customers and employees.
“By getting involved in the tree planting event, our aim was to take part in an activity where we could spend some quality mother-daughter time together, while also doing a good deed.”
Fanny, Maisons du Monde customer
Visit the page dedicated to “Aux Arbres!” on our website to learn more!
2. L’ARRONDI en caisse
L’Arrondi en caisse is a great way to get Maisons du Monde customers involved and 2021, despite stores being closed for several weeks, was no exception. In two words that say it all: THANK YOU!
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And to discover our old activity reports click here:
Activity report 2020